I see you, moms.
This one is dedicated to the moms. This is going to be a darn memorable Mother's Day. As they would say on Friends - "The one where we were quarantined." We've all had more than our fair share of quality time with our kids since COVID-19 came to the US. Adult children have come back for comfort, college students are home against their will, we are trying to play teacher with the younger kids, and hardest of all we are the 24-hour entertainment for the youngest ones who just want to play at the park with their friends. I see you, grandmas, too. You can't even see your grandkids in person because of the health risk they pose to you. This is HARD!
So, what to do about Mother's Day. No handmade gifts from school (thanks to the teachers who always had our backs), no brunch with the family where you don't have to cook or do dishes, no gift certificates for pedicures. Here are my ideas:
Take a walk or hike alone or with a mom-friend. Get some fresh air. Listen to your favorite music. Literally smell the roses.
Spend some time looking at photos of your children when they were babies and toddlers. Remember what it was like when they were born? Remember holding them close and smelling their little heads? They looked like angels when they were sleeping.
Take a nice long shower or bath. Blast your favorite music or use a white noise machine to block out the inevitable knocks on the door.
Look your kids in the eye and tell them "I love you" - even if you have questioned that in the last few weeks ;-).
Order out! You know the whole "support your local businesses" thing. Yeah, this is the day for that!
Show yourself grace! The world we used to live in is gone. Stop holding yourself to those standards. I believe in you.