Do it now.

"One day you will
wake up and there
won't be any more
time to do the things
you've always wanted.
Do it now."

- Paul Coelho

A very large kidney stone and that quote led to this blog post.

In 2015, the mysterious back pain I had been suffering for over a year was diagnosed as hydronephrosis. My right kidney was 2-3 times it's normal size thanks to a 15mm kidney stone wreaking havoc on my body. It appears I had been walking around with that thing for a couple of years and my kidney was at risk.

What started out as a simple procedure progressed to 6 surgeries in 5 months. It is so common to hear people say, "I took my health for granted until [fill in the blank.]" And boy is that true. Thankfully, my life was never in jeopardy. I did, however, have lots of time in hospitals, medical offices and on various beds and couches. I don't think you've truly lived until you've had a tube coming out of your back collecting urine in a pouch attached to your thigh.

At the same time, I was approaching my 50th birthday. I had been thinking about really learning photography and had taken a class through Pasadena City College. When I ran across the above quote by Paul Coelho, it hit me like a ton of bricks. "Do it now."

I did. I planned a trip to London for our 25th anniversary. I started a 365 photo-a-day project on Instagram. I got up with the sun and went on solo photo adventures around Los Angeles. I began taking long walks and hikes in my community.

The universe recognized that I was taking my time seriously and gifted me a job as photographer at Tom Sawyer Camps. There were families who were looking for a photographer and were willing to take a chance on me. My business was born and has been the perfect "third act" in my life.

So, my question for you is "What have you always wanted to do?" I think you know what I have to say next. DO IT NOW.




What the heck is HEIC?


I'm begging you!