Back to School
Shopping for school supplies, buying a new lunchbox and backpack, choosing your first-day-of-school outfit, maybe getting a new pair of shoes, picture day. Thanks to our friend, COVID, these annual milestones are either delayed or cancelled. Who would have thought that when my first newsletter, titled "Shelter in Place," went out in April that we would be planning for online learning in August???
Yet, here we are. This year is real, it is important, and it is worth celebrating. We need to be able to fill the spots in those picture frames and the pages in their scrapbooks so these kids can look back and see their growth. My kids get such a kick out of seeing younger versions of themselves: their missing teeth, their hairstyles, their outfits. Haven't you had someone on social media post a photo of your class from elementary school or junior high and rejoice in the reactions? In fact, I posted a photo on the Lisa Phelan Photography page on Facebook of yours truly in junior high.
It is important to me that kids have their picture day. So, I am going to do it! I am offering back to school photos on Saturday, August 22nd and Sunday, August 23rd at a park in La Canada. For $20 per child, you will get one high resolution digital image with a print release. Here is a flyer with some of the details.
Get in touch for more information and to snag your spot. I would love it if you would pass this along to your friends and acquaintances. Let's get these kids the school photos they deserve!