This is embarrassing.
I suppose enough time has passed since my high school graduation that I can appreciate my senior photo. How do you feel about yours? Every decade has it's drawbacks. The 80's had plenty, trust me. I mean, look at that permed hair, sweater vest and silk tie. And all that bronzer! OY VEY!
Today's seniors still must to sit for a formal yearbook photo. But they have so many more options to commemorate this time in their lives. It is so important to give High School seniors the gift of expressing who they really are. What is her actual style? Where is his favorite location? What do they look like when they are laughing?
Take a look at these photos and then I will tell you a couple of cool facts about them.

Fact #1:
I graduated La Canada High School with her mom and his dad. Their resemblance to said parents at their age is remarkable! It is a small, small world and I am here for it.
Fact #2:
We all had a BLAST taking these photos....and it shows.
I want to give your senior the gift of AUTHENTIC senior photos. Photos where they wear what they want, at a location that they choose, showing who they really are. Don't have a Senior in your house? How about gifting a session to your grandchild, niece, best friend's child. The class of 2021 is going through a rough year, let's give them something to smile about. I will waive my out-of-area travel fees for sessions that take place before April 1st . Let's hit the beach, downtown, their school campus, In n' Out, you name it!