New year, new you??

2020 brought us full steam into the world of virtual business and online everything. Have you looked at your profile picture and headshot lately? Do you even look like that anymore? Does your photo project the image you want out to the world?

Let's face it. Most adults like getting their photo taken as much as they enjoy public speaking. I'm right there with you. My daughter took the photo at the bottom of this newsletter and I dreaded it! But, it is more important than ever to have an image of yourself that truly represents who you are. We have profile pictures in so many places: Facebook, Instagram, Zoom, LinkedIn, Twitter, our contact photos on our phones (yep, shared your contact information lately?). I've got your back. Ask anyone I've worked with on headshots, it's not the "stand there and smile" experience of your past. We'll pick a location that feels good to you and just have a chat while we take some great shots. I promise, it won't hurt a bit.

I've got a backdrop and lighting for those who need a formal shot and lot's of great locations for something more casual. I'll even come to your house if you want access to your closet to change clothes. Don't want to do it alone? I'd love to set up a time for you to do you headshots with a friend or family member. Let's get you off to the right start in 2021.


This is embarrassing.


Small, Smaller, Smallest